So I finally watched Spiderman 2 last night. I heard through the rumors that it was better than the first one. If I had to make an opinion about it, I'd say that it was just as good as the first one. I'm definitely a biased individual because I was a pretty big fan of the web-slinging superhero back in the day when it used to play on Fox Channel 5 after school everyday. I think out of all super-heroes, he's probably the most admired by me. There's a lot of characteristics about him that make him so. One of the most obvious is that he's just a plain old kid, just like me, going to school, trying to get an education, trying to get through the daily struggles of life as we all do. He's smart, he's got a sense of humor, cracking jokes at villains in the midst of battling it out with them. He just lives a tough life, trying to go to college and get good grades while doing all he can to fight crime and save human beings, and on top of that deal with the pressures of his peers. He's just got so much on top of him, and yet he still manages to stay sane and get through the day. I don't know how he does it. I think I'd be going nuts. I guess that's why he's a superhero.
My dad picked me up from Hicksville train station and we stopped by Walgreens to get some bathroom supplies that he needed. He needed hairspray, and we both decided that we needed a new toothbrush because those 6 months have expired (f.y.i. dentists recommend replacing toothbrushes every 6 months). So I'm pretty anal about what toothbrush I use because dental care is something that I try to keep on top of. The only toothbrush that I will pay for and use is the Oral B Cross Action. But... when we went over to the toothbrush section, apparently they came out with a new "upgraded" version of it, and it's called the Cross Action Vitalizer, and it's got these added gum stimulators on the sides of the brush. Anyways, I went home and tried it, and it is freaKiN amazinG! It feels like a masseuse is massaging your gums, stimulating gum sensation. Everyone needs to go buy and try it!
(see picture above for reference)
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