Sunday, April 24, 2005


It's been quite some time now since I've posted my last blog entry. However, I'll simply ignore the fact that I've been MIA from the blogging community for the longest time, and just get on with my entry. You all know the deal.

I wanna just make a point out in saying that "work" is definitely becoming the opposite of play regarding my last entry. Work was unbelievably stressful this past week, being in charge of huge responsibilities that I thought I might have after my second year in the working field. It's going to remain stressful for the next week, because I'm gonna be the go-to guy if there's any problems with anything regarding this particular application. Suddenly I feel like my job title should be switched to "Help Desk. Please stay away from me!".

I recently have been purchasing all sorts of cool new gadgets and gizmos within the past few weeks. I guess the consumer side of me has really been coming out and taking over ever since the dough has been rolling in from my new job. I've never had this much money in my checking account in my entire life. It's so hard to think twice when seeing that beautiful $340 iPod with my name written across. For some reason my old keyboard and mouse suddenly feel outdated, old, and klunky. What a convenient time to upgrade to a wireless desktop. Gotta keep up with technology right? Sure. Oh no, my beautiful iPod seems to need some clothes to shield itself from every day wear and tear. Great, I shall buy it some.

$340 = iPod + iTrip
$ 37 = iSkin
$120 = Ikea desk + drawer
$112 = Wireless desktop (current toy)
$ 22 = XBox game

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